Outreach Team

The Muren Outreach Team was developed several years ago, with the mission of reaching the community around us and furthering God's kingdom.  What started with a Fall door-to-door "Reverse Trick-or-Treat" has blossomed into a program that keeps all the members busy throughout the year! 


Here are just a few of the many projects taken on by the Muren Outreach Team:


Reverse Trick-or-Treating

We deliver treat bags door to door during fall and spring holidays, inviting people to church and sharing God's love.


Family Night

As a way to draw in our church family, Muren celebrates a Family Night on the first Sunday evening of each month.  We have various activities, lots of food, and fun!


Spring-into-Summer Carnival

Each June, the Outreach Team sponsors the annual Carnival, free to the church and surrounding community.


Winslow Community Day

The Outreach Team represents Muren at the Winslow Community Day, selling concessions at Miller's Field and participating in the annual Light Parade with a themed float.


Haubstadt Racing

First done in 2008, the Outreach Team entered a car in the Haubstadt Enduro Races in September to represent our church.


Photo Archives:

Carnival 2010

Carnival 2009

Family Night